*# Free Streaming Healers of the Maya (Curanderos de los Mayas)
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #355867 in DVD
- Released on: 2008-08-04
- Rating: Unrated
- Number of discs: 1
- Format: NTSC
- Running time: 27 minutes
Product Description
English and Spanish versions on one all-region DVD!Director and editor commentary!Five hundred years after the European conquest of Mexico, the institution of the curandero, or healer, continues to survive among the indigenous Maya of the Yucatan peninsula. In fact, many indigenous Mexicans have immigrated to the United States and brought their beliefs about health care with them.The curanderos are older, respected members of Mayan society, experienced herbalists, psychologist, and community leaders. They have integrated many features of Western society into their world: Christianity is an integral part of their practice, and many of them accept a role for Western medicine. Their world is vibrant, ancient, wise, and colorful, but fast disappearing.Four years in the making, "Healers of the Maya" is a documentary that takes the audience inside a community that most of the Western world believes to have vanished a millennium ago. Featuring beautifully shot footage of healing ceremonies, and interviews with the healers and their patients in the Mayan language, "Healers of the Maya" is a compelling, unique film.This film is about their miraculous, but tenuous survival, and the lessons they still have to teach us.*********************500 anos despues de la conquista Europea de Mexico, la institucion del Curandero aun continua vigente dentro de los indigenas Maya de la peninsula de Yucatan. De hecho, muchos indígenas mejicanos han emigrado a los Estados Unidos y han llevado las creencias acerca del cuidado de salud con ellos.Los curanderos son respetados viejos de la sociedad maya, sabios herbolarios, sicologos y lideres comunitarios. Han integrado muchos componentes de la cultura occidental a su propio mundo tal como el cristianismo, el cual juega un papel preponderante, y un gran numero aceptan en sus practicas elementos de la medicina occidental. Su mundo es vibrante, antiguo, sabio y colorido pero que esta desapareciendo rapidamente."Curanderos de los Mayas" es un documental que transporta la audiencia al centreo de una comunidad que muchos en el mundo occidental consideran que ha desparecido. Esta película presenta bellas imágenes de ceremonias y entrevistas con curanderos y sus pacientes en lengua Maya. "Curanderos de los Mayas" es una pieza unica e inspiradora.Este documental es acerca de la milagrosa pero tenue sobrevivencia y sobre las lecciones que aun ellos nos tienen que ensenar.
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Movie Trailer
Free Streaming Best Action Movie Movie Healers of the Maya (Curanderos de los Mayas)
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Category : Action MovieAmazon.com: Healers of the Maya (Curanderos de los Mayas): Healers ...
English and Spanish versions on one all-region DVD! Director and editor commentary! Five hundred years after the European conquest of Mexico, the institution of the ...
Curanderos de los Mayas - trailer on Vimeo
A trailer for "Curanderos de los Mayas," a half-hour documentary about the healers of Mexico's Maya people. The entire film can be purchased here:
Matthew Levie - Editor
Curanderos de los Mayas - trailer from Matthew Levie on Vimeo. A trailer for "Curanderos de los Mayas," a half-hour documentary about the healers of Mexico's Maya people.
Healers of the Maya Trailer (Curanderos de los Maya) - IMDb
Watch the latest Healers of the Maya Trailer (Curanderos de los Maya) on IMDb
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*# Streaming Online Healers of the Maya (Curanderos de los Mayas)
Description : *# Free Streaming Healers of the Maya (Curanderos de los Mayas) Product Details Amazon Sales Rank: #355867 in DVD Released on: 2008-08-0...
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